maandag 28 februari 2011


God damnit ! Ive been so busy lately. Now even my blog is suffering. I'm so sorry blog !
I need some guess what. I'm watching the Oscars red carpet show. Live television, I love it. I'm always excited to see things go wrong. Awkward situations, nipple slips..whatever ! Come to think of it..i'd love to see a nipple slip on Scarlett Johansson. Mmm..

vrijdag 18 februari 2011

Bitches be crazy !

According to a U.S. survey of 2,400 women conducted by Fitness Magazine, over 51% of women would give up sex for one year for in return... a slim body.  Bitches be crazy !

donderdag 17 februari 2011

Mmm.. Dual Core !

The new LG Optimus 2x. The world's first dual core smartphone ! Too bad the LG android overlay sucks ass. Check out a written review here.
If i had one of these, i would root that motherf*cker and install a rom !

maandag 14 februari 2011

donderdag 10 februari 2011

I'm thinking of buying the iPhone 5 when it gets released this summer.
Wondering what the price will be though. If not, an Android phone it will be !
God..i'm bored.

woensdag 9 februari 2011

Tera Online

This game.. I need it ! I want to play it !
I know Rift sucks (i've played the beta), i'm done playing WoW, so I need a new MMO !
And this is going to be it. It's biggest feature... MANUAL AIM.

Check out  the  written review here.

And please, check out this awesome 1080p gameplay video.

maandag 7 februari 2011

I need to figure this out. An SQLite database, a listview and a listadapter. Check. Now...whenever i delete an item from the list, i need the listview to refresh itself. I've read this can be done using the method  NotifyOnDatasetChanged. I'm having issues though. My brain hurts !

I'm in a rainy mood.

You know this, right?
I love it ! It really calms me down.

Rainy Mood
How hard is it to insert a code snippet into blogger !
I'm trying to post a code example I wrote, but i'm having a hard time getting it onto my blog.
I need to get this into the world !